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What's the difference between Hemp Oil, CBD Oil & Hemp Seed Oil for Dogs?

I was walking through my Farmers Market on the weekend and saw a sign that a dog treat reseller was displaying on their stall. OUR CBD OIL FOR DOGS CURES (the list was long and ridiculous, let’s just say according to them their magic CBD Oil was pretty much the answer to cure everything from Climate Change to Male Pattern baldness).

CBD Oil has many benefits, does Hemp or Hemp Seed Oil too?

Upon inspection I saw ”CDB Pet is a full spectrum 300 per 30mls natural healing supplement. CDB Pet uses the highest quality human-grade hemp and organic MCT oil” And the price for this miracle cure-all? $75 for 30 ml!!!!! That’s $2.50 per milliliter!!! If ever the term ‘snake oil’ was applicable - this is it.

And 300 per 30mls? What does that even mean? Nothing! Annnnnnnnd the ingredients that they were happy to display: Hemp and organic MCT oil. Not Hemp SEED oil. Just Hemp oil. And MCT Oil simply put is refined Coconut oil that retails for $6 for 500ml!

So this leads me to the topic of this blog: Is Hemp Oil the same as CBD oil?

What’s the difference between Hemp Seed Oil and CBD Oil for Dogs?

The main difference between hemp oil and CBD oil is that hemp oil has little to no CBD content. Hemp Oil is made by cold-pressing the hemp plant into an omega-rich oil. CBD oil is made by extracting the compound CBD from the leaves, flowers and stalks of a hemp plant. Hemp oil and hemp seed oil are often confused as being and doing the same. However, they have a few key differences and benefits for your dog. Well, wonder no more! Read on!

The difference between Hemp Oil and Hemp Seed Oil

We understand how easy it is to confuse hemp oil and hemp seed oil… First of all, both hemp seed oil and hemp oil are 2 products from the same species of plant, Cannabis sativa. But the hemp oil and hemp seed oil come from different parts of the plant … and they each have very different properties.

Hemp oil is also known as full-spectrum hemp oil or broad-spectrum hemp oil. It’s obtained from the whole hemp plant including stalks, leaves and flowers.

Hemp oil is made by pressing hemp leaves and stems to release the oil within. This extraction method is similar to that of olive oil or coconut oil and involves several steps to refine the oil.

Hemp seed oil, on the other hand is extracted by cold pressing the seeds, avoiding the use of solvents to extract only the natural oils. No additional processes are involved in the production of hemp seed oil. Hemp seed oil is only made from the seeds of the plant. Hemp seed oil’s benefits come from its nutritional content … so it’s even used in cooking.

So, now you know the difference!

Hemp Oil benefits for Dogs

Hemp oil is a “superfood” for dogs. Packed with essential fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals.

Some of the reasons to give your dog Hemp oil:.

  • Pain Relief

  • Mild Anxiety & Stress Relief

  • Improve Immune System

  • Healthy Skin & Coat

  • Reduces Joint Pain– Natural anti-inflammatory

  • Rich in Omega 3, 6 & Fatty Acids

  • May assist with Cancer Prevention

Is Hemp Oil safe for Dogs?

Yes, hemp oil is perfectly safe for dogs. In fact, it’s often used as a natural treatment for anxiety and stress. That said, it’s important not to overdo it. Start with a small amount and increase gradually as needed. However, it’s essential to monitor your dog after consumption to ensure there isn’t an allergic reaction. In addition, if your dog is on regular medication, you should check with a holistic vet before introducing hemp oil, as it can decrease the activity of liver enzymes used to metabolize many prescription drugs.

Hemp Seed Oil benefits for Dogs

Hemp seed oil has been used for centuries in humans and dogs alike. It’s a key ingredient in many beauty products for its ability to moisturize without clogging pores. Hemp seed oil is also known to have anti-inflammatory properties, which can be helpful if your pup is struggling with joint pain or other inflammatory conditions.

Hemp seed oil has a range of benefits for your dog including:

  • Reduces anxiety

  • Helps fight cancer

  • Helps manage seizures and epilepsy

  • Offers pain relief

  • Helps with inflammatory bowel disease

  • Reduces chronic inflammation and autoimmune disease

  • Protects the nervous system

  • Increases appetite and helps with nausea

  • Aids heart health

How to use Hemp Seed Oil for Dogs

Hempseed oil is a polyunsaturated fat, which means it’s an unstable oil. If you cook your dog’s food, don’t add hempseed oil until you’ve finished cooking … otherwise it can become rancid and lead to health issues in your dog. Hemp seed oil can be used on its own or added to your dog’s food. When adding it to food, start with a small amount and increase gradually as needed. If you’re using it topically, make sure to do a patch test first to check for any potential allergic reactions. As we mentioned, hemp seed oil can be used to soothe irritated and inflamed skin by simply applying it to problem areas or areas your dog seems to be itchy.

A cold-pressing process extracts the oil from hemp plant seeds. When it comes to hemp seed oil, it can be quite beneficial for your dog’s diet as it is jam-packed with essential nutrients, which can bolster your pooch’s health in a variety of ways.

Are Hemp Oil and CBD oil the same thing or is there a difference?

How exactly does CBD work? Does that mean hemp gets you high?

What’s the difference between hemp and marijuana? When considering the differences between Hemp Oil and CBD oil, it’s good to look at the broader picture. Both marijuana and hemp are varieties of the cannabis plant (hemp is Cannabis sativa, while marijuana is Cannabis indica). The main difference between hemp and marijuana is that while marijuana contains up to 30% of the psychoactive compound called tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), hemp contains virtually none (typically below 0.3%). So essentially, marijuana will get you high and hemp won’t.

Is CBD made from marijuana or hemp?

CBD can be extracted from both marijuana and hemp. However, as marijuana is illegal in most places, much of the CBD you’ll find on the market is made from hemp.

What are the benefits of CBD oil?

The benefits of CBD oil is that it is used to treat a number of different conditions including anxiety, depression, pain and neurological issues and seizures, and is said to have beneficial effects on concentration, energy levels and sleep. It’s also sometimes used topically as an anti-inflammatory (check the price before you start pouring it on your bad back – quality CBD oils can be very expensive!)

  • CBD is a natural anti-inflammatory that doesn’t carry the same risk of side effects as drugs. Arthritis, Hip and elbow dysplasia, Sprains and strains and Torn ligaments (CCL) respond very well to CBD.

  • CBD oil has cancer-fighting abilities and can slow the growth of tumors. In a study cancer cells became more sensitive to treatment with CBD. That means CBD can increase the effectiveness of conventional cancer treatments. CBD also kills cancer cells by blocking their ability to produce energy. And it can stimulate the immune system to produce killer cells that cause death in cancer cells. CBD oil can also help with nausea associated with many cancer treatments

  • Researchers at Colorado State University studied CBD as a treatment for epilspsy in dogs. A whopping 89% of dogs that received the CBD had a reduction in seizures. In human trials, CBD even worked in patients with drug-resistant epilepsy. In one study, 7 out of 8 patients saw a marked improvement within 4 to 5 months.

  • Dogs With Anxiety, Noise phobia, Separation anxiety, Aggression or Fear have shown marked improvement when taking CBD Oil. CBD can work quickly given directly by mouth when your dog gets stressed. It usually only takes 5 to 20 minutes to work. But CBD appears to be most beneficial for anxiety when given over a period of time. So if your dog is prone to stress, a daily dose might work best.

  • Probably the most promising research on CBD is that done on pain. From nerve pain to arthritis, it works well … without the harmful side effects of pain medications. CBD binds to both CB1 and CB2 receptors in the brain and nervous system and this helps change the way your dog’s brain perceives pain. Plus, CBD can help manage the other symptoms that accompany pain, such as sleeplessness and nausea. CBD can also help manage acute pain from injuries.

  • Allergies are on the rise in dogs. Skin conditions in general are one of the most frequent reasons for vet visits. The endocannabinoid system is also found in the skin … and that’s good news for dogs with allergies. It means CBD can help relieve dry and itchy skin. And it can promote the growth of new healthy skin cells. You can give CBD internally for allergies, or use it externally for hot spots or cysts.

Is CBD Oil Different for Dogs and Humans?

Pet CBD Oil: Ingredients Matter!

Word of mouth about the success people have had with CBD oil, relaxed laws on hemp products, and scientific research on the benefits of CBD have made CBD a rapidly-growing market. People are seeing it pop up everywhere in products made for people.

Just a few of these include:

  • CBD Gummies and other edibles made for people

  • Soft drinks and other beverages infused with CBD

  • CBD topicals including creams, balms, and lotions

One of the things that pet owners need to be very aware of before giving their dogs anything made for people is that just because a product is safe for people DOES NOT make it safe for dogs! There is a big difference between CBD for humans and dogs. For example, the artificial sweetener Xylitol™ is extremely toxic to dogs, even in very small doses. Since many human-grade CBD products contain this artificial sweetener, it is critical to avoid giving them to your pet. If you suspect that your pet has ingested a product containing Xylitol, please contact your local veterinarian.

What is the difference between CBD for dogs and humans, & why does it matter?

The concentration of CBD in human products is calibrated to human bodies. Some people think they can save money by buying higher concentration products made for people. When it comes to making sure your dog gets the right amount of CBD, however, it’s important to buy a product with a much lower concentration. A single drop or edible made for human consumption may be too much CBD for a toy or even a medium-sized dog breed, for example.

In order to be sure that you can provide your pet with a consistent dose calibrated to their body weight and sensitive endocannabinoid system, choose a product made with pets in mind. There’s no issue when humans take pet CBD because our bodies are more resilient and pet CBD oil is weaker. Flip that equation and give human grade CBD oil to your dog and you could see negative side effects. This is part of the reason that it’s so important to understand the proper dosage for your pet. Never buy a product that does not include dosing instructions. This is simply a recipe for disaster.

Consistent and accurate CBD dosing for your dog’s body weight is a must for the safe use of CBD products in pets. This is why CDB Oil should only be prescribed by a Licensed Vet.

Third-Party Independent Lab Testing and Verification

You should always look to buy from a company that offers reliable lab testing for every batch of their product.. The CBD market is flooded with companies that may be offering products containing pesticides, herbicides, and other contaminants. The CBD industry for pets is still unregulated. That means the majority of pet owners might be getting ripped off. In fact, some companies have been caught selling products with no CBD in them at all - just like that stall at the farmers Markets I mentioned earlier!

So, there you have it the difference between CBD Oil & Hemp Seed Oil for Dogs!

The most important take out from this entire Blog is: Licensed Vets are the only qualified practitioners able to prescribe CBD Oil for your dog and monitor their overall health - don’t be tempted to buy from those ‘snake oil’ dealers!

If you believe your dog would benefit from CBD Oil Treatment there’s a great website that can guide you in the correct direction to find a licensed Veterinarian in Australia:


*Disclaimer: this information is meant as a guide only and we suggest further research and collaboration with your veterinarian before altering your dogs diet.

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